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Amit Kaushik

ecological & environmental anthropology | integrative conservation

Welcome to my website! I am an interdisciplinary PhD student in Integrative Conservation (ICON) at the Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia in Athens, GA, USA. For my doctoral research, I study how interspecies relationships can help in understanding environmental (in)justices. For my research, I work in the forests of Central India. My broad research interests are Environmental Anthropology, STS, Political Ecology of Biodiversity Conservation, Landscape Planning & Management, and Environmental Justice.

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Office: 252B, 

Department of Anthropology

355 South Jackson Street
Baldwin Hall Room 250
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602

The views and opinions expressed on this webpage are those of the author and do not represent or are endorsed by any educational or funding institution listed here.

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©2022 by Amit Kaushik

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